Psychotic Gold Pre-Workout Review: Ingredient Breakdown
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Suppose you lack energy during workouts and want to turn it up a notch. Who better to turn to than a company called “Insane Labz”?
At least, that’s what went through my mind. I like testing out all kinds of supplements, and my favorite is pre-workouts.
Insane Labz Psychotic Pre-Workout is well-known within the fitness industry, but their Psychotic Gold promises to take the insanity even further.
Let me explain exactly what’s in this pre-workout and if it’s the right pre-workout for you.
In this article, I’ll be reviewing the Psychotic Gold Pre-Workout.
Grab your favorite popcorn machine, pop some kernels, and find out if Psychotic Gold Pre-Workout is next on your supplement list.
- Increase Testosterone
- Improve Strength/ Muscle
- Better Sleep Quality
- Reduce Stress/ Anxiety
Practical Information about Psychotic Gold Pre-Workout
Weight: Psychotic Gold Pre-Workout comes in a 35 servings format. The tub weighs 202 grams or 7.1 ounces.
Serving size: one scoop of 5.8 grams.
Supply duration: NEVER double-scoop this pre-workout. One tub will give you at least 35 psycho workouts or more if you take less than one scoop.
Where to buy it: Psychotic Gold Pre-Workout can be purchased on Amazon.
Claims of Psychotic Gold Pre-Workout
Insane Labz convinces you to buy their Psychotic Gold Pre-Workout in the following ways:
- Cleanest burst of energy and razor-sharp focus lasting long after your workout.
- Perfectly dosed for muscle performance and overall endurance.
- Biggest vein-boosting pumps that are available in pre-workouts.
- Highest quality ingredients, unmatched by competitors.
Based on the claims, Psychotic Gold Pre-Workout sounds like it can help you have insane workouts and give you more energy to tackle the rest of the day afterward.
However, does it work? Let’s see.

Ingredients in Psychotic Gold Pre-Workout
The Psychotic Gold Pre-Workout is not transparent in any ingredients used in their pre-workout formula.
Their 4234 mg “Psychotic Gold Blend” contains nine ingredients. Insane Labz states that Psychotic Gold contains around 400 mg of Caffeine per scoop.
The energy blend is INSANE, but there’s not enough room in the blend for a sufficient dose of Beta-Alanine, L-Citrulline, and possibly Agmatine.
Proprietary blends such as this often hide underdosed/bad-quality ingredients. It’s always best to know what we’re consuming.
Below is a detailed explanation of every ingredient.
Beta-alanine is a non-essential amino acid that is produced naturally in the body. It helps to reduce fatigue, which allows for more reps and sets while working out.
Over time, this can lead to more muscle growth and strength gains. It’s also the cause of that itchy or tingling feeling all over your body.
L-Citrulline Malate
L-Citrulline is a non-essential amino acid that our bodies transform into another amino acid called L-arginine.
It increases the release of nitric oxide, which helps to widen the blood vessels. This allows more blood flow, oxygen, and nutrients to be transported into the muscles.
L-Citrulline also increases blood flow to the brain, which helps you to feel more focused, energetic, and sharper during training.
Agmatine Sulfate
Agmatine is naturally produced inside our bodies, where it’s made from the amino acid L-Arginine. It has plenty of essential functions and many benefits for working out.
It can boost nitric oxide, allowing more nutrient and oxygen-rich blood into our muscles. In gym language, this means massive pumps.
Besides this, it can boost energy, reduce stress (cortisol), help mental clarity, reduce perceived pain, and increase insulin sensitivity.
Caffeine Anhydrous
Caffeine anhydrous is extracted from the seed and leaves of coffee plants. “Anhydrous” means that it contains no water.
It’s a highly concentrated caffeine powder, the same as caffeine in coffee. Caffeine provides energy, alertness, focus, etc.
DMAE Bitartrate
DMAE inhibits the metabolism of the neurotransmitter acetylcholine. A higher concentration of acetylcholine positively affects cognitive abilities (like memory and learning) and mood.
It’s added to pre-workouts to enhance focus and make you feel better during your workout.
Caffeine Citrate
Caffeine citrate is caffeine that works faster than caffeine anhydrous. It’s used in pre-workout because it takes less time to “kick in.”
Juniper Berry Extract (AMPiberry)
Juniper Extract has excellent synergy with caffeine because it can increase its effectiveness. It also has an anti-inflammatory effect and overall health benefits.
Fulvic Acid (OxyGold)
Fulvic Acid can help with the digestion and absorption of other nutrients, which is why it’s a great addition in pre-workout to ensure the other ingredients work properly.
It may also boost energy and lower pain, which are beneficial for working out. Besides this, it may have more health benefits, such as increasing the immune system, etc.
Rauwolfia Vomitoria Extract (min. 90% Alpha Yohimbine)
Rauwolscine, or Alpha Yohimbine, is the active ingredient of the Rauwolfia Vomitoria shrub, which originates from West Africa. It’s a powerful stimulant that increases the body’s adrenaline levels.
Rauwolscine may boost fat loss, decrease appetite, and increase energy as a dietary supplement. It also stimulates fat loss by inhibiting processes in fat cells that suppress fat burning.
It works similarly to Yohimbine HCL, but it’s more powerful, and lower dosages are needed. However, clinical studies on humans don’t back these benefits at the moment of writing.
Flavors of Psychotic Gold Pre-Workout
Psychotic Gold Pre-Workout comes in the seven following flavors:
- Blue Punch
- Cherry Bomb
- Fruit Punch
- Grape
- Gummy Candy
- Orange
- Pina Colada
I have no complaints about the flavors. I think they taste good, and there are plenty of options for anybody to find their favorite.
I don’t like to feel like sipping on a cocktail at the beach while working out, so Pina Colada is not for me. However, Gummies… that’s what I love.
Is Psychotic Gold Pre-Workout safe?
Psychotic Gold Pre-Workout is likely safe when sticking to the recommended dose for most healthy adults.
The pre-workout is EXTREMELY HIGH in caffeine, which is not ideal if you’re sensitive to caffeine or anxiety. It can make anxiety worse.
It’s best to assess tolerance with half a scoop. It may be too insane energy for many.
Don’t take this pre-workout too late in the day, or you won’t sleep, and watch your caffeine intake from other products.
It’s best to consult a medical provider before taking Psychotic Gold Pre-Workout if you’re taking medication, have a medical condition, are pregnant, or are nursing. Stop taking the supplement two weeks before undergoing surgery.
You can have mild side effects like an upset stomach, nausea, diarrhea, headache, increased heart rate, etc.
Experiences with Psychotic Gold Pre-Workout
Experiences with Psychotic Gold Pre-Workout are mainly positive but mixed.
Many people find that it gives them enough energy to fight a bear, and they have fast and long-lasting energy throughout their workout.
These people complain that the “pump” is mediocre at best.
Worse experiences come from Psychotic Gold Pre-Workout being too strong (high in caffeine and Rauwolscine) for many people.
They get shaky, feel nauseous, get an upset stomach, have headaches, etc.
Flavors are overall liked, so there are few complaints in that regard.
As often stated, this pre-workout (in terms of energy) is not for the inexperienced or if you’re not training HARD.
Psychotic Gold Pre-Workout gets a superb 4.3 out of 5 stars on Amazon.
Price of Psychotic Gold Pre-Workout
Psychotic Gold Pre-Workout is priced at 44.99 dollars for 35 servings on Amazon. This makes the price per scoop around $1.29.
It’s not the cheapest pre-workout, but most “high-quality” pre-workouts come around a serving price of between $1-1.50.
However, the scoop size here is tiny compared to competitors, and you get a proprietary blend, so you have no clue what you’re consuming.
- Increase Testosterone
- Improve Strength/ Muscle
- Better Sleep Quality
- Reduce Stress/ Anxiety
Is Psychotic Gold Pre-Workout Worth It?
Based on the ingredients, experiences of others, and my own experience, I can say Psychotic Gold Pre-Workout can be a great pre-workout under some conditions:
- You’re experienced with pre-workouts.
- You’re looking for INSANE energy, but not so much pump and other pre-workout benefits.
- You will not be tempted to double-scoop.
- You don’t mind the “proprietary blend.”
I think Insane Labz claim about the INSANE energy is justified, with 400 mg of total caffeine and rauwolscine that will activate an adrenaline response.
However, the pump statement is untrue. Plenty of pre-workouts will give you skin-ripping pumps, but this isn’t it. Also, plenty of other companies use high-quality ingredients (a lot don’t as well).
In this review, I’ve tried to give you an overview of the ingredients and everything else you need to make an informed decision.
Psychotic Gold Pre-Workout is not my personal favorite for an everyday pre-workout.
I can recommend Nutricost Pre-Workout instead, which doesn’t have a fancy package, name, or slogan like “Unleash Your Inner Beast.”
However, each scoop contains 15 grams of a long list of perfectly dosed ingredients (even for very advanced pre-workout enthusiasts).
Anything you wish for in a pre-workout and more is in there, costing $0.63 per scoop. It’s the best-valued pre-workout I’ve ever seen or reviewed.
It’s not only one of the best pre-workouts in terms of ingredients, but it’s also one of the cheapest and made in the USA with the highest quality ingredients.
I recommend giving Nutricost Pre-Workout a try if you don’t fit into the above category for Psychotic Gold.
You can find Nutricost Pre-Workout on Amazon here or read my review on it here.
If you want to try Psychotic Gold Pre-Workout, you can find it on Amazon here.
When should I take/ use/ drink Psychotic Gold Pre-Workout?
Drinking Psychotic Gold Pre-Workout 20-30 minutes before working out with a glass of water is best.
Will Psychotic Gold Pre-Workout keep you awake?
If you take Psychotic Gold Pre-Workout too late at night, the 400 mg of caffeine may keep you awake. It depends on how sensitive you are to caffeine.
Does Psychotic Gold Pre-Workout contain caffeine?
Psychotic Gold Pre-Workout contains 400 mg of caffeine.
Does Psychotic Gold Pre-Workout contain creatine?
Psychotic Gold Pre-Workout does not contain any form of creatine.
Where to buy Psychotic Gold Pre-Workout?
You can easily buy Psychotic Gold Pre-Workout on Amazon.
- Increase Testosterone
- Improve Strength/ Muscle
- Better Sleep Quality
- Reduce Stress/ Anxiety